On Tour with My Cat 13 November 2016 Seeing the new film 'Street Cat Bob' out reminded me of my own travels with Yam. It…
Women in Music 22 October 2016 It was great to take part in the panel for the Inaugural M.I.M.S. (MUSIC INDUSTRY M…
Newsflash... A Harry Potter Song 03 August 2016 Celebrating the opening of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in London's West End H…
I Can Do Magic... Just like Harry 01 August 2016 I can do magic... it’s true ... really I can. And if you are reading th…
Felix Kept on Walking... 20 June 2016 So I’m driving back from dropping off some artwork to Rory who’s doing some slide f…
Scraps of Paper Worth Their Weight in Gold 04 May 2016 I was at a superb talk given by Dr. Eva Griffith at the London Metropolitan Museum…
The World Premier with Jubilee Opera 22 March 2016 David and I were highly delighted when Jubilee Opera said that they would like to s…
Video from the World Premiere with Jubilee Opera 16 March 2016 We put together these clips from the video of the World Premiere of The Drummer Boy…