I was sitting in a café in the Isle of Bute and this lady, probably in her forties came up to me and asked me if I was Megg? She said that ‘I hadn’t changed’ and I was flattered since she remembered me from thirty-five years previous when I had signed an autograph for her at the opening of the Sailing Club coffee morning on the island. My fifteen minutes of fame...

I love co-writing with people. To me, there is nothing more fun than sharing ideas with someone else, thinking them through, finding just the right words and notes. It’s magical. Two heads are often, so much better than one.

For songwriters the creative side is what we all live for, but what happens after you’ve created your song, who does it belong to?

The first time that I saw Come From Away at the The Phoenix Theatre in London, I could only get a ‘standing room’ seat. It was just as well because I was so inspired by the show that I couldn’t sit still anyway! Also weirdly I think when you’ve been a performer, you are used to standing and watching from the sidelines and waiting to go on that it felt really normal.

So here we are one year on and we are still experiencing Lockdown. Personally I am looking forward to getting back on a tennis court again ...not long now.

Thinking outside the box is a skill that we ‘creatives’ like to pride ourselves in. And never has it been so important as now.

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